What Is G3?
G3 groups are small groups focused on a specific topic or struggle. The groups are short-term and provide a safe environment where members learn insights and skills that will allow them to more fully engage in biblical community. Just as all members should be involved in a Bible study, we believe that there are opportunities for all members to be involved in a G3 group.
“G” is for gospel-centered groups. Rather than making an issue, struggle, or sin the centerpiece of our groups, we strive to make the gospel of Christ the core of all of our groups. Our identity is not found in an issue, but in an individual — the person of Christ.
The “3” designates the three types of groups that are offered within this ministry: process, recovery, and support.
Types of G3 Groups
Process groups focus on Christian living and provide a biblical perspective to address specific areas of life. Examples of Process groups include:
- Samson Society Men’s Group
- Faith & Finance
- Not Alone: A Group for Hand in Hand Families
- Hope for Anxiety & Depression
- Body Image: Made in the Image of God
Recovery groups help people recover from life-dominating sins, addiction, or traumatic life events. Examples of Recovery groups include:
- Substance Abuse
- Marriage Betrayal: Recovering from the Betrayal of Your Spouse’s Sexual Sin
- Sexual Addiction
Support groups provide encouragement and support during a prolonged period of suffering or hardship. Examples of Support groups include:
- Divorce Care
- Divorce Care for Kids
- GriefShare
- Pain, Suffering, Long-Term Illness
How to join a G3 Group?
Current groups are listed below, and you can sign up for a group or request more information by clicking on the group. If you are interested in a type of group not listed, click “See Details” on the “G3 Request New Group” below and complete the “Request Information” form. If you have an immediate need, please contact your elder, Mike Phillips, or Elise Cole.