The Women’s Ministry at First Pres exists to support First Presbyterian Church in her ministry to every woman of every generation, by commending to them the greatness of God in Jesus Christ. We do this through a commitment to Community, Growth, Care, and Outreach.
Bible Studies

As a church, we desire every member to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior. We also want to be a place where people feel known, connected, and cared for. Participating in a Bible study provides the opportunity for both.
Each Bible study group has its own “personality,” and some groups meet on campus while others meet in a parish at a member’s home. Most groups are relatively small, which provides opportunities to get to know one another. Our Wednesday morning Bible study at the church is unique in that there are typically about 80 women in the group. They meet together for a teaching time, but then split into small groups for discussion and prayer. The women stay in the same group for two semesters, which allows time for relationships to form.
There are two resources to support all women participating in the churchwide Bible study.
- Something to Talk About is a podcast that follows along with the Bible study. Each episode includes First Pres women and other guests who discuss their stories and the impact of the current Bible study on their lives. You can find the podcast here or any podcast app.
- The teaching audio from the Wednesday morning study is recorded and posted on the website weekly as a resource for women as they work through the Bible study lessons.
Fall Retreat
The annual fall retreat is a fun weekend designed to allow women to spend concentrated time in God’s word while also building relationships with other women.

Uncommon Community:
Experiencing Spiritual Friendship in the Local Church
September 19-20, 2025
Save the date for this in-town retreat filled with worship, teaching, and fellowship as we explore Uncommon Community: Experiencing Spiritual Friendship in the Local Church with our guest speaker, Aimee Joseph.
Registration will open early summer.
Prayer Retreats
Prayer Day Retreat
We believe that through prayer God wants to give us a deeper experience of his love, shape our hearts to be like him, and draw us deeper into community with each other. Periodically we host a prayer day retreat which provides an opportunity to find rest in the presence of God, study Scripture, and walk in community alongside others. We spend the day praying and meditating on Scripture, individually and as a group.
Weekend Solitude Retreat
Our annual Solitude Retreat is an opportunity to both learn about and practice the discipline of solitude. After learning about solitude, we get to spend a day in silence with our God who knows and loves us with the goal of entering more deeply into the intimacy of relationship with him. We then spend some time discussing our experiences and worshiping God together. This retreat is typically in January, so look for details and registration information in December.
Shepherding and Care
Women’s Shepherds serve as part of our caregiving ministry by assisting elders and deacons in coming alongside women in the church to encourage them, support them, help connect them with the church, and point them to good news of Jesus. Women’s Shepherds receive training in theology, crisis care, skilled listening, and peacemaking so that they can help shoulder the burden of life’s struggles. Women’s Shepherds may also serve for a season on care teams, walking more closely with women in crisis.
Each Women’s Shepherd has an assigned “flock” of women whom she regularly checks in with, and the long-term goal is to continue growing the ministry until every woman in the church has an assigned Women’s Shepherd walking alongside her. Any female member of First Pres may request a Women’s Shepherd at any time by contacting the director of women’s ministry.
G3 Groups
We have small groups, called G3 groups, to address specific issues and needs. G3 Groups provide safe spaces to deal openly and honestly with suffering and brokenness in our lives. These groups provide resources and leaders to support women who seek healing and recovery. Examples of groups we offer include groups for marriage betrayal, anxiety and depression, and financial literacy.
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42
We want to be a place where all people feel welcome, connected, and known. There are opportunities to form connections in Bible studies, Sunday Morning Communities, and other churchwide events, but we also have events throughout the year where the primary purpose is to get to know one another and have fun together.

Ladies Night Out events are held throughout the year and have included dinners, candle-making, and a history walk.
Dinner for 8 | February 7, 2025
What is “Dinner for Eight”? Dinner for Eight is a dinner party of eight women. When you sign up, you can offer to host or to come as a guest. The host provides the main and guests bring side items and desserts. It’s a great way to meet new friends and reconnect with old ones. And if you’re new to First Pres, what better way is there to begin to get to know people?
Learn more.
(NOTE: if the link doesn’t work then registration is not yet open or the event has passed.)

LILY Moms stands for “Life in the Little Years” and is a faith-based ministry that supports and builds community among mothers of children from conception through kindergarten. LILY Moms meets twice a month for brunch, to talk talk to other moms – uninterrupted, and to connect with and learn from others.
Get Connected
Women’s Ministry News
Sign up to receive emails about special women’s events. First Pres members are auto-subscribed.
Something to Talk About Podcast
Something to Talk About is podcast where First Pres women and other guests share their stories. During the ministry year the podcast airs weekly and focuses on how current Bible study is impacting their lives. Typically during the summer we have a virtual book club, and the podcast is centered on that.
Social Media
Follow First Pres Augusta Women’s Ministry Instagram page for the latest information about events and activites.
Staff Contacts
Elise Cole, Director of Women’s Ministry
Amber Barrett, Director of Women’s Discipleship
Liz Reid, Administrative Assistant for Discipleship and Care