We all need wise counsel from Godly men and women in our lives, and when you are encountering difficulty and struggles in your life, the church should be a natural place to turn. At First Pres, we offer access to informal counseling, Biblically-based support groups, and formal counseling resources. If you are a member of First Presbyterian and have a need, we encourage you to contact your shepherd or Mike Phillips.
Informal Counseling
Each member is assigned to a shepherd, and the shepherds are trained to assist members with many of life’s struggles of brokenness including (but not limited to) marital difficulties, depression, anxiety, broken relationships, purity, guilt, and shame. After meeting with a shepherd, he or she may recommend you join a G3 group and/or seek professional counseling.
Formal Counseling
When seeking formal counseling, it’s important to find a counselor who shares your Christian beliefs and believes in the truth of God’s word to speak into all situations. First Pres has a ministry partnership with First Step Counseling to help individuals, couples, children, and families in the most challenging situations in life. First Step professionals provide counseling that seeks to engage in the personal ministry of biblical truth for the sake of their counselees. For more information about First Step Counseling or to set up an appointment or contact 762.901.7837.
Other Counseling Resources
You can review this list and discuss these options with your shepherd.
Staff Contacts
Mike Phillips, Associate Pastor of Counseling
Elise Cole, Director of Women’s Ministry
Liz Reid, Administrative Assistant for Discipleship & Shepherding