Young adults are vital to the mission of the Church, and are the church’s next generation of leaders. Our Young Adult community is made up of young singles, young couples, and young families in their 20s and 30s. Join with us as together we seek to connect with each other, connect with others in the church, grow as disciples of Jesus, and serve in the church and the community.
Sunday Morning Communities
Young adults have three Sunday morning communities specifically for them and are a great way to connect with others in the same age or stage of life. All communities meet at 9:45 a.m. for fellowship with teaching beginning at 10 a.m.
- College & Pre-Health Professions is for undergrad or graduate students and college-aged adults.
- Crossroads is made up of young singles, couples, and familes between the ages of 22 and 35.
- Foundations is for newly married couples who are mostly in their 20s and 30s.
Bible Studies
Bible studies allow you to go deeper into God’s Word with a smaller group of people. There are several young adult specific groups,that meet at various times throughout the week, and typically once a month all of the Young Adult groups will meet together for a social event.
Young Adult Events
Worship Nights
We are created for worship, so in addition to Sunday worship, the Young Adults community gathers periodically to worship together on Monday evenings. The night includes a short devotional from the Word of God, singing, praying, times of reflection, and fellowship. All are invited to come, participate, and leave refrehsed with souls full from the presence of God.
We have two annual retreats with the goal of providing concentrated time in God’s word and worship with others and building deeper relationships with one another.
The Young Adults ministry hosts several events throughout the year. Events include the annual Friendsgiving dinner, trivia nights, and outings to baseball games, and other local events.
Staff Contact
Chris Williams, Assistant Pastor of Young Adults
Alan Martin, Assistant Pastor to Campus Ministries and Evangelism