Children’s Ministry’s goal is to provide a safe and loving environment where children will love to come to church, begin learning Bible truths, and experience the love of Jesus. We have dedicated staff and volunteers with purposeful programming that ministers to the specific needs of children at every age and stage. We also strive to assist, train, and equip parents as they raise their children to know and love the Lord Jesus. 

Sundays in Children’s Ministry

Parents must check in all children from birth through fifth grade at the Children’s Check-in Lobby before going to their classrooms. This process is quick and easy, and volunteers are available if you need assistance. If you are visiting with us for the first time, we encourage you to arrive about 10 minutes early to check your child in for the first time.


Nursery is available during all worship services and Sunday School for children three years old and younger. Classes, which are divided by age and developmental milestones, include Bible stories and scripture set to music in all classes. Bible teaching and Catechism training begins at age two.


Children in Pre-K through fifth grade are part of the elementary ministry, and Sunday School is provided for all ages. 

Pre-K and Kindergarten

Pre-K and kindergarten students attend the first part of morning worship with their families and are then dismissed to go to their classrooms. During this time, we have a special Teach Me to Worship program. Pre-K and kindergarten remain in the evening worhsip service and have the opportunity to practice what they are learning in Teach Me to Worship.

First through Third Grade

During the 8:30 service, first through third graders attend the first part of morning worship with their families and are then dismissed to go to their classrooms for catechism class. They remain in the 11 a.m. and evening services to worship with their families.

Fourth and Fifth Grade

Fourth and fifth graders remain in the morning and evening worship services with their families.

Other Children’s Programs

In addition to caring for and teaching children on Sundays, we offer programs throughout the year designed to create community, build intergenerational relationships, disciple, and nurture each child in the gospel.

Children in fourth grade and below are invited to bring their Easter baskets to church to participate in our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday! The hunt begins at 10 a.m. and children hunt eggs by age groups on green spaces around the Plaza. A special Easter story time takes place on the Worship Green following the hunt. Families are encouraged to bring a blanket to share this time with us.

Summer Bible Adventure is our annual four-day summer camp for children who have completed Pre-K through fourth grade. Camp includes Bible teaching, skits, crafts, games and recreation, music, and more! Look for registration in the spring.

Created for a Purpose is a five-day creative arts camp for girls to create, sing, be silly, and learn about Jesus. Through hands-on activities and Biblical teaching, girls learn they are unique masterpieces created by God for his glory and his purposes. Painting, sculpture, cooking, and sewing are just a few of the creative arts that the girls are exposed to throughout the week. This camp allows girls learn about Jesus Christ in a way that impacts how they live their lives. They will walk away with tangible reminders of the God who has made them, loves them, has saved them, and desires a relationship with them!

Fifth Grade Fridays occur during the summer and are designed to help with the transition to middle school by strengthening relationships between students as they serve and play together. Activities include things such as serving lunch at St. John’s Towers and meal prep to fill the church freezer for families in need. Fun activities include a pizza and pool party, kayaking the canal, and a morning at DEFY trampoline park. Registration is required for each event by the Sunday before.

St. Andrew’s by the Sea occurs once a month in the summer and is a time for our littlest ones to enjoy play, a Bible story, and a snack. There are toys and water play, so swimsuits are encouraged! Because of the nature of this event, parents will need to remain with their children and find child care for older siblings. We hope this provides a time of fellowship for the parents as well.

Staff Contacts

Louise Coleman, Children’s Ministry Director
Claire Weaver, Children’s Ministry Elementary Coordinator
Laura Pareizs, Event Coordinator
Megan Pierce, Purpose Events Coordinator
Elizabeth Barone, Admin Assistant