Music & Arts
The Lord has blessed many of his people with artistic gifts to encourage and assist the entire congregation to worship him in spirit and in truth. Making music to glorify the Lord is one of the most joyful ways to serve him, and there are several opportunities for vocalists and instrumentalists to be involved. New members are welcome! We also encourage all artists and art supporters to get involved with the Arts Alliance.

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Psalm 150
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir provides traditional choral music in regular morning and special holiday and conference services. The choir is open to youth and adults.
Youth Choir
The Youth Choir consists of enthusiastic singers from grades six through twelve. This choir sings periodically in the worship services and the annual Christmas Evensong.
Canterbury Choir
The Canterbury Choir for children from age 7 to fifth grade. The choir sings at selected morning and evening services throughout the year and at various community locations.
Praise Team
The Praise Team provides contemporary music leadership and accompaniment during evening services and at other community ministry events. The team is open to high school and adult vocalists and instrumentalists.
Cherub Choir
The Cherub Choir for children Pre-K to first grade. The choir sings at selected morning and evening services throughout the year.
Other Ensembles
Various instrumental ensembles, comprised of First Pres and community musicians, are used for special services throughout the year. We also have a Handbell Choir that is open to youth and adults that occasionally performs special music.
Arts Alliance
The Arts Alliance is designed to provide encouragement, collaboration, and opportunities to showcase artists’ works. In addition to regular meetings, the group has workshops and demonstrations focused on different art forms, art shows, and community outreach events. Visual, literary, and performing artists as well as their supporters are welcome to join. Contact Nicole Novak for more information.
About the Organ
As part of the renovation of the sanctuary in 2012, a new organ was installed by Cornel Zimmer Organ Builders from Denver, N.C.
The organ has a three manual French style console and 43 ranks of pipes, totaling 2,432 individual pipes in addition to 35 ranks of digital pipe voices by the Walker Technical Company. This is the equivalent of 4,163 pipes and 78 ranks.
Staff Contacts
Leigh Fleury, Director of Music Ministries
Melissa Schultz, Canterbury Choir Director
Andy Reid, Corporate Worship Associate
Nicole Novak, Worship Arts Assistant