Women’s Study Resources

Teaching Audio

The Wednesday morning Bible study teaching is recorded and posted here weekly. This is intended to be a resource for women as they work through the Bible study lessons.

Wednesday Morning Teaching Schedule

Date Lesson Scripture
January 22 Week 1 Revelation 1:1-8
January 29 Week 2 Revelation 1:9-20
February 5 Week 3 Revelation 2:1-3:22
February 12 Week 4 Revelation 4-5
February 19 Week 5 Revelation 6-7
February 26 Missions Week Missions Week
March 5 Week 6 Revelation 8-11
March 12 Week 7 Revelation 12-14
March 19 Week 8 Revelation 15-16
March 26 Week 9 Revelation 17:1-19:10
April 2 Masters Masters
April 9 Masters Masters 
April 16 Week 10 Revelation 19:11-20:15 
April 23 Week 11 Revelation 21:1-22:5
April 30 Week 12 Revelation 22:6-21

Something to Talk About

Tune into this weekly podcast in which women in the church discuss their stories and the impact of the Bible study on their lives. This spring we move from Genesis to Revelation, and we will discover the fulfillment of a promised Redeemer.