Vision & Values

This vision statement defines why we, as First Presbyterian Church, exist. It defines the goal that all our efforts and ministries are working toward and is based on Psalm 145:4 – “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.”
Our Core Values

We believe that the Church is to bear witness to God’s unconditional love through the ordinary means of grace believing he will bring about extraordinary transformation.

We understand the grace of God to be the central message of Scripture, the undeserved gift of salvation from God through faith in Jesus Christ, and the primary motivation for living the Christian life and uniting the people of God.

We aspire to be a church living as God’s family and united across all ages, races, and socio-economic backgrounds who live each for the other and all for Christ.

We share our faith in word and deed to our neighbors near and far, desiring and depending on the Spirit’s work to advance Christ’s Kingdom in our world.
Our Priorities

We will provide and prioritize an environment of worship where people encounter and experience the living God.

We will create a welcoming culture with accessible paths for people to fully enter the life of the church.

We will know every member of the church and care for every need within the church.

We will establish an intentional plan to create mature believers and leaders.

We will invest and incarnate the Gospel in our neighborhood, our community, and our world.
Sermons Relating to Our Vision & Values
Each January is Vision & Values month. This is a time to consider what the vision and values mean as well as the implications of these for our church and each individual. View these sermons.
Stories of Living Out Our Vision & Values
We are committed to sharing stories that demonstrate how God is working in and through First Pres’s ministries and people. We hope these stories are an encouragement and provide practical examples of ways to be involved in Commending the Greatness of God in Jesus Christ to All Peoples and All Generations. View the stories.